This past weekend was full of different activities which was taken up mostly by different get togethers with family for my brothers 19th birthday. This included, 2 dinners, 1 lunch, bowling, a picnic and a LOT of dessert.
(If you are Canadian, this picture is kind of a big deal. The man in the cowboy hat is Mantracker, and he basically does just that. It is my brothers goal to go on his show, beat Mantracker, and leave the signed autograph he gave him at the finish line.)
I've gone to a few concerts which have all been awesome! My favorite being a secret show put on by Mumford and Sons where the time and location were not given. The radio gave out clues to the location up until an hour ahead of time in which they told to where to go. I was sure that my detective skills were top notch until I showed up to an insane crowd of people. But that made for a really good atmosphere. Bands should do more shows like this. Did I mention it was free?
That's all for now!
oh my god why didn't you tell me about this?! I am so out of the loop and I am OBSESSED with mumford and sons!! So wish I would have been there!
meat-a-ball *does Italian hand gesture*.
Love it.
Another mental week - I'm jealous of your life.
Also jealous that you got to go to Italian Days and I totally missed it :(
I LOLed. Meat-a-ball. I totally did the hand gesture.
At least when we play charades next, I know what to do to get you to guess meat-a-ball or something Italian related!
And jumping in puddles for the WIN!
who is mantracker???????????