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Nice to e-meet you! That's internet for Hello. And that's also about as far as I got in planning what to say in this thing...but as a lover of spontaneity and the inability to edit my own words because that would mean actually having an awareness as to the nothingingness that I am about to ramble on about for far too long...I'm just going to go ahead and keep typing. Apparently...

The Big Give!

So if you have not yet heard about The Big Give, its far time you learn about it, held it's hand, and squeezed the love out of it.

So what exactly is it, you ask? Well, it is the internet's first ever random acts of kindness contest! The idea was started by some of the most amazing girls (fellow bloggers of course), who are all a perfect fit for putting together such a contest!

I recommend that you all wander over to their site and see what it's all about, get inspired and participate! If not for the whole *being a good person* thing, then at least for the awesome prizes!

And if you run over there now you may just see a familiar face on the first page ;)

Check it all out here:

One Response so far.

  1. What a great idea!

    Can't wait to see you tom ;)


    Closet Full of nothing

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