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Nice to e-meet you! That's internet for Hello. And that's also about as far as I got in planning what to say in this thing...but as a lover of spontaneity and the inability to edit my own words because that would mean actually having an awareness as to the nothingingness that I am about to ramble on about for far too long...I'm just going to go ahead and keep typing. Apparently...

Young Hearts Be Free Tonight

On Friday, I met a boy. 

It was not exactly a fairytale story...instead let's just say that alcohol and a dance club were involved. And while my friend Kadie was playing the tambourine up on stage with the band, I was being reminded what it felt like to press my body up against a boy and feel the flutter of my heart going. 

After a few hours of dancing together, he took my phone and entered his number into it which he later used to text me sweet incoherent text messages. Note that the incoherence was less due to the alcohol and more so do to the fact that he has just come to Canada from Switzerland. 

I know how to pick them, huh.

On Sunday, I was on my way to meet Alicia and Adam at Kits beach, but realized a little too late that I had no idea how to get their, and ended up at 2nd beach instead. I decided that I would just stay there as I had my journal to keep me busy. 

As I was relaxing on the bench, BOY texted me, asking what I was up to. It turned out that he too was at the beach and wanted to meet up. Although I was hardly 'date prepared', I agreed. Actually, Alicia told me that I am the one who has this whole "say yes" thing going so how dare I say no. 

After finally making him understand exactly where on the beach I was, I watched the many bridal photoshoots happening around me and waited for him to show up. 

I glanced over, and not remembering 100% exactly what he looked like, I was fairly sure I saw him, but who was he with?

He walked over, with a 65ish year old man wearing a bright yellow suit jacket, crooners hat, and hipster glasses (the man, not him). I smiled politely and the eccentric man said "Oh! You told me you were coming to meet a pretty girl, and this one just smiled at us so I think we've found her!". 

I, still being in shock and confusion, just kept smiling.

Before BOY even had a chance to say hello, the man was chatting me up a mile a minute, introducing himself, and telling BOY that he'd better treat me right. Then without pausing, he said goodbye and skipped off. 

BOY just started laughing. 

He explained that as he was walking over, this man came up to him and starting hitting on him. He was somewhat unsure of what exactly to say or do, but I think a little flattered at the same time as he had never been hit on by a gay man before.  

I told him that I had thought their was a chance he might not be alone because he had mentioned earlier that he was with friends, but that is definitely not what I had in mind.

So that was the start of my date with the foreign speaking BOY.

We walked along the ocean side before it started getting too cold, and then he took me to a movie. It was nice that we at least got to talk for a bit before the movie and I actually enjoyed his company more than I was expecting too. Considering his English is less than perfect, he was very charming and funny (or maybe he is charming and funny BECAUSE I can't understand half of what he says). We saw the A-Team, and after that was over he snuck us into the last 40minutes of Sex and the City as it was the only thing still playing at that time. 

I don't know why I always seem to get taken on high-school dates, but I kind of enjoy it. Sneaking into to the movie theater and making out in the back row is actually pretty fun. 

After the movie, he was pretty insistent on me going back to his place, and although I was tempted, I held my ground and went home alone. As much as he was not impressed with this, I think he kind of liked the idea that maybe I'm actually not thaaaaat easy. After all, he has been texting me quite a bit, and perhaps it's just to update me on the score of the Spain vs Switerland game, which I pretended to watch, but still!

Date 1, success! 

The Big Give!

So if you have not yet heard about The Big Give, its far time you learn about it, held it's hand, and squeezed the love out of it.

So what exactly is it, you ask? Well, it is the internet's first ever random acts of kindness contest! The idea was started by some of the most amazing girls (fellow bloggers of course), who are all a perfect fit for putting together such a contest!

I recommend that you all wander over to their site and see what it's all about, get inspired and participate! If not for the whole *being a good person* thing, then at least for the awesome prizes!

And if you run over there now you may just see a familiar face on the first page ;)

Check it all out here:

It's Like a Tupperware Party For Whores!

Awhile back I was invited to a schoolmates wedding. I was super excited and flattered to have gotten one of the few invites because we haven't had class together for awhile so when I did of course I said I would attend! Last week I got an email from the bride-to-be's sister saying that Rebecca refused to have a bachelorette party because she did not want people to feel pressured to buy her gifts. So instead, her sister planned a surprise party for her, which would be a "passion party". Which to those of you who are nieve like me, means a sex toy party. Basically a Tupperware party where they sell sex toys instead of bowls. 

I have never been to a sex toy party period, but having one be a surprise just does not sound like a good idea to me. The look on the brides face as she walked in to a table full of dildo's pretty much said it all. Oh and I almost forgot to mention the best part, the bride is a virgin.  

There were a ton of girls and it was actually quite fun. We all had our arms covered in edible creams and tingly spray on our lips, and vibrating massager's on our hands. The bride even got forced into trying one of the "gets you in the mood" creams which she walked out of the bathroom having applied it with blushing cheeks and a huge grin on her face. 

We played a game where the host asked a bunch of *have you ever* sex related questions where you gave yourself points if your answer was yes. I started to worry for a second in the beginning when the virgin bride had more points than me...But to be fair, you got points for silly things like having a tattoo... Or at least this is my excuse for seeming less prude-like. Which I am clearly not... I mean, I did it on a sofa once...haha just kidding, that would be crazy! 

My other friend was shocked by my seemingly low score. She said something to the effect of "oh my gosh, you only got 5?!? I totally thought that you were like some sexually adventurous/promiscuous girl...Like no offense, but I really thought you would have had like at least 10 points" 

I was quite intrigued to find out that people naturally assume that I am a slut. I'm not sure what it is that I'm doing that gives this impression...But the joke is clearly on them because little do they know,
I'm not having ANY sex, with anyone, at all. so HA. 

(on second thought, the slut assumption might have something to do with my instant reaction to put the dildo in my mouth). Black and white for classiness.

Probably my favorite of the many jokes happening all night was unintentionally from Kiera. The host was showing us another one of the products which were marble-like beads that girls can put into themselves and I think you play chinese checkers inside your bajingo or something, I don't really remember the point of them but anyways, she made a point of saying that girls sometimes worry that the balls will get stuck (hehehe), but not worry because "it's like a cul-de-sac in there, and they will always find their way out". I turned to Kiera and in reference to these whole bead idea said "wow, I have never even heard of that before" and her response was "you've never heard of a cul-de-sac?"
Oh how I love you. 

If I haven't lost you yet, I won't go into too much detail and I am sure many of you have been to sex parties before anyways so this is all nothing new, but as a sex-toy virgin I have to admit that some of those things are just plain scary looking. I don't really think I need a dildo called *jelly osaki*, described as having a "beaver tongue" and contains more buttons on it than my cellphone. One of which makes it do backflips/the YMCA and I have a feeling another speaks to you in spanish and cooks you breakfast. 

I think my expression of the night was a mix of intriguement, confusion, and wide eyed terror.
It also doesn't help that with almost every item we were shown I got instant visualization of some patient I have had in the emergency room with said item physically stuck inside dark places and or completely swallowed and the look on their face when being taken in for surgery. Trust me, that kind of ruins the whole appeal of it all. 

But it was definitely a fun night!

(and to my friends who read this, please don't ever plan me a surprise sex toy party. thank you)

Dust Bowl Dance

This past weekend was full of different activities which was taken up mostly by different get togethers with  family for my brothers 19th birthday. This included, 2 dinners, 1 lunch, bowling, a picnic and a LOT of dessert.
(If you are Canadian, this picture is kind of a big deal. The man in the cowboy hat is Mantracker, and he basically does just that. It is my brothers goal to go on his show, beat Mantracker, and leave the signed autograph he gave him at the finish line.)

On Sunday I went to a festival downtown to celebrate Italian Days, which I of course took my Italian Grandmother too who was in her glory. She just wanted a meatball (and as you read that please do the italian hand gesture and pronounce it meat-a-ball). Festivals on Commercial Drive are always a ton of fun, but it just so happened to be absolutely down pouring that day. After about an hour of the rainstorm I completely gave up my polka-dot umbrella and joined in the street dancing/puddle jumping.

From there I went to a friends birthday/going away party/graduation celebration which was super fun but also sad to say goodbye to her for 4 months. We played Pictionary which I admit that I am usually pretty amazing at but that went out the window when I picked the word JELL-O and had to draw it with my EYES CLOSED. Needless to say it did not go well.

I've gone to a few concerts which have all been awesome! My favorite being a secret show put on by Mumford and Sons where the time and location were not given. The radio gave out clues to the location up until an hour ahead of time in which they told to where to go. I was sure that my detective skills were top notch until I showed up to an insane crowd of people. But that made for a really good atmosphere. Bands should do more shows like this. Did I mention it was free?

That's all for now!