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Nice to e-meet you! That's internet for Hello. And that's also about as far as I got in planning what to say in this thing...but as a lover of spontaneity and the inability to edit my own words because that would mean actually having an awareness as to the nothingingness that I am about to ramble on about for far too long...I'm just going to go ahead and keep typing. Apparently...

This is how we do CPR

Every year it is a requirement of my nursing school that we take a CPR class which is probably good considering there are code blues at the hospital quite frequently. However, it does get a bit repetitive learning the exact same thing over and over. However, this time there seemed to be something new...

The first thing that we were told to do was put a stack of picture-cards in the correct order of the steps one would take in performing CPR. All was going well and we were speeding through the sequence, until we saw this one...

So many things came to mind...
Was this the new way of doing CPR? Have I been doing it wrong all this time? I really don't remember this being a step in the process...
Does the blowjob come before, or after compressions?

19 Responses so far.

  1. TbR says:

    HAHA! I would have thought that's the last thing you need when trying to clear an airway.

  2. LOL. I guess no one goes back to look at all of the cards upside down before they publish them.

  3. Unknown says:

    Blowjobs could possibly save a life. Don't be surprised if you have to take a class on how to perform a BJ. ;)

  4. Lorraine says:

    But really, a blow job would certainly be a way of bringing someone back to life. "I saw a far away light, and I was walking towards it, but then the most wonderful sensation..."

    That's all I'm sayin'.


  5. Anonymous says:

    what the hell is that?

  6. Kisekae says:

    hahahaha good point bobby/roxanne, I just don't want to be the nurse to have to do it!

  7. Jas says:

    Wow. I wish I had some sexy training like that when I worked for summer camp.

  8. Felicia says:

    WOW hahaha I can't believe they snuck that in there! I suppose it livens up the repetitiveness.

  9. I do like your post and it is fashionable

  10. Sarah says:

    Hey! Open up those airways!! Who cares if they're yours or his! :)

  11. Anonymous says:

    HAHAHAHAHA YES!!!! I have to take CPR training on Tuesday. I'm not looking forward to it, even more so now that blowjobs are part of the deal. Maybe I'll call in sick that day?

  12. My wife is a I know how to get that elusive BJ...pretend I'm dying...awesome!

  13. Joy says:

    Kisekae, thanks for finding me! Love your stuff! :)

    -Inky @ So-Called Grown Ups

  14. Risa says:

    This made me giggle. Thanks for the laugh. : )

  15. rish says:


    This is why people fancy nurses. Never underestimate the power of a blowjay!

  16. Ms Kayso says:

    hahahaha without even reading your post, I thought naughty things. Knowing that this what it was about, just made it even better. lol.

  17. AFon says:

    Haha I have not heard about this new advancement in CPR, now I am dreading getting certified even more.



  18. Anonymous says:

    Saving lives just got a whole lot more fun-er..err ;)

  19. Although I do agree with your post, I have my own reservations

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